Artist In Residence 

The Eldorado Springs Artist in Residency (AIR) program is designed to provide studio space for both national and international artists to pursue personal creative work ending with an exhibition of the body of work. Applicants are encouraged to teach a community workshop or class as part of their residency experience.
Residencies may range from 2 to 6 weeks. The live/work residency exists to provide individuals comfortable and convenient living quarters equipped with private shared bathroom and small kitchen, in a building dedicated to creative energy shared work space and/or studios in which residents can pursue their individual work.


Contact Us

If you wish to take part in the Eldorado Springs Art Center (ESAC) Artist in Residency (AIR) program, please contact us.

To facilitate the application process, please download and complete the following application, thank you. 

Eldorado Springs Art Center

(303) 378-0454

8 Chesbro Way
Eldorado Springs, CO 80303