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Belgin Yucelen

Artist Bio

Belgin Yucelen creates sculptures, installations, movies and prints drawing on the traditions of the past and today’s ethics. She studied sculpture at the Florence Accademia D’Arte in Florence, University of Colorado Boulder, Art Students League of Denver and Scottsdale Art School.   Her work is represented at national and international galleries. She continuously participates in national and international exhibitions at museums, universities and other art venues.

 Her intent is to engage the community in understanding how norms and values within the present landscape were shaped by the past and how the future will inform them. Her past work attempted to understand transitions in individuals and societies. “Journey of a Thousand Years” which included bronze sculptures with etched mirrors was an analysis of how the self is shaped by experiences over time.  “Time” series inlaid with gold, embracing the Japanese concept of treating breakage as part of the past of an object suggested the frailty of each moment.  “Clothes from the Past” installation of sculptural garments redefined a past culture’s sophistication in a contemporary form.  “Overwritten Scripts” included prints elaborating on how the manipulation of the religious scripture influenced social and cultural norms.  “Words” installation, which included an audio element, was aimed to encourage people to listen to each other more. In “Floating Children”, a collaboration with photojournalist Brian Rutter, the installation featuring floating transparent fabric with photographs of Syrian children was her way of speaking to the fragility of children in times of war.

Artist Statement

I create sculptures, installations, movies and prints drawing on the traditions of the past and today’s ethics. I am interested in tracing shifts over time in cultural values by referencing history, anthropology, historical literature and architecture. My intent is to engage the community in understanding how our norms and values within the present landscape were shaped by the past and how the future will inform them. With my art I also speak out on behalf of children in war, women with no rights, refugees and talk about current social issues or imaginary tales of imaginary people. 

Art provides the imagery that allows me to present my ideas. I aim to create aesthetically beautiful, compelling and thought provoking art in a simple and quiet manner. Art needs to be beautiful, but beauty can come from ugliness as long as it is presented poetically.


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