News from the Eldorado Springs Art Center, May 2023
News from the Eldorado Springs Art Center, May 2023
Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter! Read on to find out what’s been going on with the artists and denizens of the Eldorado Springs Art Center, as 2023 turns fully into spring and summer. This email has been compiled by Jonathan Machen.
Action items: Studio Available for rent: The 'metal studio', top two pictures below, is now available for rent. The interior space has been enlarged, with a big pop-out window looking out to the garden. Contact Giuseppe for more information, at
Other building news: Besides many new murals, plans are underway to move the Chicken House to the west, to make room for more parking. The picture below, with what looks like a foundation, will be the Chicken House's new location.
Yoga in the ESAC courtyardv with Julia Horn:
Creative, Art & Nature Inspired Vinyasa~Thursday mornings at 9.30am.
BYOMatEmail to reserve
8 Chesebro Way, Eldorado Springs
New construction projects
This spring, we said goodbye to a few treasured souls, and welcomed more who have joined us with their artistry. Catherine Carr Whittemore, who was painting in the Metal Studio this winter, is now teaching in Skyros, Greece; and Norberto Ramirez, who Giuseppe first met at Burning Man, has made his way back to California, but not without first creating a fine collection of murals and portraits. Below is an unfinished painting from his portrait series, as seen peeking out from the Tiny House.
The Tiny House
The next two collages celebrate some of what Norberto accomplished at the art center. We are lucky to have had his creative presence at ESAC. Besides initiating an ambitious portrait project, he assisted in producing murals on both walls and floors of the Art Center, all of which can be still seen today.
Some of Norberto’s contributions
Norberto’s contributions, above, starting at the bottom photo and moving in a clockwise direction: a mural on the basement floor of the center; a portrait study in oil; a collaboration mural with Jonathan Machen on the west wall (top); a portrait of Jules Laurita, Dona Laurita’s daughter, which was received with much love and appreciation from Dona’s family; and the ‘eye’ mural on the east courtyard wall. His last project was painting the ‘Space Jaguar’ on the back of the art truck, center photo.
More from Norberto
More from Norberto. Above, top left: the painted floor of the new Metal Studio (now available for rent) which opens to the upper courtyard; top right: Norberto showing paintings for sale done on the road to Open Studios guests this past October. The lower three photos, starting from the left: painting the stairway to the upstairs studios; transporting Giuseppe’s Henrietta to California for the LA art show; and a plein-air painting done at Echo Amphitheater in New Mexico at the end of April.
Giuseppe at work
And what’s up with Giuseppe Palumbo, you are wondering? Moving between art projects at ESAC, Richmond, CA and Mexico, he has a lot of stuff going on. He is shown above (top left) answering questions about sculpting from curious children with the newest iteration of the Jaguar. Gallery Giuseppe exhibited at the LA Art Fair in Feb and Art Market San Francisco in April. Henrietta, lower right, enjoys the art appreciators at her debut at the LA Art Fair.
Rebecca Sharp’s work
Rebecca Sharp, our resident surrealist, has been hard at work at ESAC. She has a number of upcoming shows elsewhere: Aspen Intersect artfair-July; Hexton Gallery solo- August 16th; India, Mumbai solo No. India gallery: Akara artv. Check out her website at
Jonathan Machen’s wortk
Jonathan Machen has been busy throughout the winter and spring, sketching, painting, and doing more portrait commissions (top middle and bottom right). One of his pastel drawings (King Soopers Geese) was accepted to the Gilpin County Art Association’s 76th annual juried show, and will be on display in Central City, right opposite the Opera House, between June 10-August 19. (He won’t be able to make the opening, but wish him well!). Other news to note from Jonathan: He now has an e-commerce website specifically for selling prints of Boulder and New Mexico images. Please check it out at One note about this sales site: Jonathan will be out of the country until July, so any orders that come in will be processed in July. Also, check out jon's time-lapse video of the painting with the two chairs at the Art Center, finished between November and May of this year. Timelapse Video of ESAC chairs by Jon
Ginger Knowlton’s recent painting
Here is a beautiful piece Ginger Knowlton has recently done; Spring Rain, oil-on-wood, 12 x 12
Dona Laurita
Dona Laurita is currently engaged with The Legacy Project, (top photo) a program in Denver that connects teaching artists with elders in low income/marginalized communities, which encourages the elders to share their stories visually and verbally. The lower photos are from Dona’s Silhouette Project show, Newcomers at the Valkarie Gallery in Denver this past March.
Jody Bill
Jody Bill, above, continues to add to the prolific body of work she creates using recycled materials and unique substrates to express situations close to her heart: physical & mental health, disabilities, dysphoria, displacement and political decline. She is currently recovering from a successful heart surgery & includes her daily practice of creating art an important part of her healing.
Arthur Infante
Arthur Infante, above, has been busy with lots of interesting projects, design-build work lately, from the smallest of pieces for pets that have past on, to entire room remodeling. He says: “Working in metal, stone, and wood primarily, sometimes all in the same day! I've been quite lucky!” The top two photos show him installing his powerful piece, “Guns and Rosaries” both at ESAC, where the piece is currently on display, and the pop-up show at BMOCA in April.
Kara Nudelman, a new presence at ESAC, works with the natural laws and rhythms of Qi energy and nature, allowing harmony to be elegantly restored. She is currently pursuing a graduate degree in Classical Acupuncture from The Institute of Taoist Education and Acupuncture (ITEA) in Louisville, CO. She founded Sun + Moon Collective. Sessions with Kara are a personalized experience of Classical Worsley 5-Element Acupuncture, spiritual counsel, energy alchemy & intuition. She will be accepting new acupuncture patients at the ITEA clinic in August 2023. To connect with Kara and book a treatment, email
Joel Davis
Joel Davis is the newest addition to ESAC and the Chief Joyrider at JD’s Joyrides, an e-bike tour and rental company based in downtown Boulder. He offers the Wall to Wall Boulder e-bike mural ride and other interesting routes through and around Boulder. With Joel, it is not a tour, it’s a joyride. He also hosts Terrasonic, the weekly magic carpet ride around the world of music every Saturday from noon-1 on
Thank you for reading, if you have made it this far! Come by and see us. Jonathan